Monday, February 20, 2006


...its amazing how love can transcend time, distance, age and sometimes even gender...

i wait for the ocean wave
to whisper your message
washed up on the shore
buried deep in the sand
for centuries

Brokeback Mountain said it doesn't matter whether love happens to be between two people of the same-sex; in its truest sense it is between two hearts, which feel and care and hurt. It can happen at the most unexpected times in life, in the most unexpected of places and in the most unexpected of ways, and survive against all odds.

i listen to
the song
of raindrops
on window panes
pining and painful strains of
melodies lost

What is love, after all ?!! I suspect it means different things to different people but the fact remains that it is powerful and painful. Break it down to its chemicals, analyse it all you want but I doubt we will ever understand it or be cured of it but sometimes I almost wish we could be!

days, months, years
what are they!
in an eternity
of life-times
waiting,wanting, waiting......


At 1:53 PM, Blogger another illusion said...

waiting, wanting, waiting...these three words in this same order express the pain and power of love so well.
it's ironical that love can be such a frustrating experience at times.

At 1:57 PM, Blogger Russell CJ Duffy said...

i know what you mean but cured of love? never.

At 6:38 PM, Blogger Sue hardy-Dawson said...

Without the pain we could never have all the pleasure and as you say such a small word for so many different feelings, when we greave we want to escape from it but when we are ten feet tall with the wonder of it, who could swap that?

At 6:44 PM, Blogger Sue hardy-Dawson said...

I've missed lots cause I've been busy essaying, but I don't think genuine feelings for your friend and the horror that he/she and those around are suffering are a clicha (can't spell that) unless all feelings are and then there would be nothing left to write about

At 1:44 AM, Blogger mermaid said...

Pins, what a coincidence. After 3 + months, I just went to see Brokeback Mountain today!

Love cannot be defined. What struck me most about the film was its tenderness for both sides of the story, between two men and the reactions of the women who married them.

I would also say that maybe love is perhaps best understood by those caught in its embrace.

Beautiful words (as usual).

At 2:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes Cushion...Love transcends time, space, age or any other barrier.And it hurts. But does that stop one from loving?
This painting of words was remarkable.:):)

At 6:28 PM, Blogger Pincushion said...

Illusion-You put it just IS so ironical! and i love your name illusion :)

CJ-ahhh! u'd have disappointed me had you not said 'never'! ;)

Sue-I guess we wouldn't! :))..I hope all your essaying went well! Its good to have you back here :)

Mermaid-I agree, the betrayal experienced is as much a part of the reality of love as love itself..very perceptive (as usual)!

Anamika-Alas! It doesn't! As almost everybody here as pointed out, nobody wants to be cured of it! :)..its what makes the world beautiful!

At 8:20 PM, Blogger camera shy said...


are you familiar with the griffin and sabine book series?

if not, i suggest you check them out

i think you will enjoy them

At 7:28 AM, Blogger SPECKLED_BAND said...

Passing through Pinc! Very nicely said indeed!



At 7:00 PM, Blogger floots said...

i have to echo cj
i don't want to be cured
it's a good way to go :)

i enjoyed reading this
thank you

At 9:19 PM, Blogger RamaDrama said...

I love the form of this if its a juggle between reality(prose) and fantasy(poem)..both filled with same emotion..wanting(love) and wanting to get rid of it(love) at same time..very esoteric!

At 9:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think love is the most beautiful thing in the world

And so easy when it entails friends or memories of lost loves, but for the present...

At 9:27 AM, Blogger Pincushion said...

Blog this-Unfortunately I am not, but I shall surely check it out now..thank u for the suggestion! :)

JJ-So good to see you here, its a rare privilege, thank you! :)

Floots-Arrrgh, Et tu?!! :))

MotoRama-WoW Esoteric? love that word :)Thank you!

Pia-..ahhhh but for the present..THAT my dear is the crux of the matter! Meanwhile have fun! :)

Chai-You hit the nail on the head! :) welcome aboard! Thanks for droppin by! Hope to see you around, so that I can have chai with you :))

Finns-oh dear! another afflicted soul? it sure is catching ;)

At 9:44 PM, Blogger Lorena said...

the closest i've come to love came from an unexpected place and the experience helped me to see that love is blind and that it does transcend gender. it was the best experience i've yet to have and it opened up my world and i embraced the whole experience. i loved the film as well.

your poetry in between your thoughts in this post was breath-taking. i also wait, and waiting hurts sometimes especially when you are so ready to give your love away.

beautiful thoughts pincushion :)

At 9:44 PM, Blogger Lorena said...

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At 3:17 PM, Blogger Pincushion said...

Lorena-You have captured the essence of what I wanted to say! ..and how true is..' waiting hurts sometimes especially when you are so ready to give your love away.'
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and beliefs with me :)

At 7:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

explanation required. Its all very fine and of the finest quality. but..


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