Bouncing back from yesterday's mindless horrors (not with a lil help from fellow blogger friends, thank yew, dearies!) I am back with a bang (wouldn't just love it, if there was a r.e.a.l one..heehee!)
I took a trip around the world, with a steaming mug of coffee in hand. How does that grab you? And thats exactly what I did. Enjoyed. Right here by plonking my ass in front of the computer, first thing in the morning! The beds are unmade, the dishes still in the sink, the house a mess, and my kid glued to the T.V. Ahhh, theres modern motherhood for you (arrrrrgh, am I turning into a mummy blogger or what!!..there goes my 'image'-don't know what it is anyway, snigger). So coming back, hurrah, for the computer, hurrah for the net, I pay my obeisance to the Cybergods for letting me partake in this pure pleasure and indulging in a lil free morning therapy ( a substitute for the 'pooja'- I can't remember when was the last time I did that..hmmm..) and went blog-hopping with a vengeance!
I trapezed from a student's first day in HongKong and shared her mornings (I wonder what she's doing now?) to the travails of an Immigrant to the political heavyweighting of Pundits in the US of A, to the bitching in Banglore (more bangs!!..heh), to musing about love in London! Quite a ride and hey my coffee's diasappeared, need to get some more! Cheers!