The importance of the exclamation mark.
Grrrrrroan, not again, not having these number keys working on my keyboard along with the other symbols, especially THE exclamation mark, is a major impediment to my ''oh-so-creative-writing'' I said to someone, my entire life seems to be one huge exclamation God help me exclamation mark..when i need it ..I'll use an # instead, do you think it might work ? Weird..but what the hell..might as well find a replacement #
Ahhh, thats what we try to do in life, don't we ? Find replacements to original parts, replace love with sex, dissatisfaction with drugs, get the picture ?? I am not sure it works though..hmmm..but I've been so whiny in here that I seriously need a break from myself# Could I replace myself ? Replace the original with the hash instead of an exclamation mark ?? A hash ..naah..thats bad..maybe a star ? Now wouldn't we all just loooove to be tarts...oooops...I meant stars ?? #P.S# since my brackets aren't working either....don't you think tarts, ooops again, I mean stars, have loads of fun, I mean, c'mon whoever heard of a 'woman-of-substance' having fun, eh ? Germaine Greer certainly didn't and neither did Virginia Woolf ## No wonder, Jordan's ' biography' -and- don't YOU dare tell me you don't know who she is - sells more than the Prince's himself, not to mention that she has more fun too, hehehe ## No surprise that, I tell you, no surprise at all..I guess I need to change my guru from Germaine to Jordan ###
So the question that I ask myself is that do I need to replace the hash that my life is, with the exclamation or is it the other way around ?? Questions..questions ##..hmmmm...not a major issue for anybody really, is it ? Just a life, my life. Very funny. Yeah, right.